
Welcome to the Agnes, Zero and Rokodo blog. Enjoy reading about our lives and interests.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I will be as blunt as possible. (Agnes)

This blog post could be short or long. I dunno. You decide.

Anyway, I won't focus on much. I believe this certain person knows who I am directing to when I say the following words: "You can go back to the past without me." I hate, and I mean HATE, when i am reminded of the past when I am happy with a newer beginning. I want it to stay as such. If I were to go back and try again, only the same mistakes will arise and the same drama, which'll destroy me even more than I already am. Really. It's pointless for me now.

...On a side note: Chorus Competition is next Wednesday. All of our songs are learned. All I have to do now is wait.

...Also, did I mention that the STLP Competition is postponed all the way until May the 11th? That was so bullshit.

Short blog post, I know. But, hey. It'll be better.

Tạm biệt
- Agnes

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